“Escape and Evasion” (2019) is an Australian war drama directed by Storm Ashwood.

Escape and Evasion” (2019) is an Australian war drama directed by Storm Ashwood. The film delves into the psychological toll of war and the struggles faced by soldiers after returning home, offering a raw and intense portrayal of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the personal battles that follow combat.

Plot Overview:

The story centers around Seth (Josh McConville), a former soldier who is haunted by the traumatic events of a failed mission in Myanmar. The mission, which was supposed to be a routine extraction, turned into a nightmare when it went wrong, leading to the death of his entire unit. Seth is the sole survivor, burdened with guilt and the memories of what happened in the jungle.


Back home in Australia, Seth struggles to adjust to civilian life. He is distant from his family, plagued by flashbacks, and resorts to alcohol to numb his pain. His attempts to forget the past are further complicated by the arrival of Rebecca (Bonnie Sveen), a journalist investigating the circumstances of the botched mission. She believes there’s more to the story and is determined to uncover the truth, pushing Seth to confront the events he’s tried so hard to bury.

As Rebecca digs deeper, she uncovers a web of military secrets and cover-ups, revealing that the mission was compromised from the start. Seth, torn between his sense of duty to his fallen comrades and his desire to leave the past behind, is forced to relive the trauma as he helps Rebecca piece together the truth.

The film explores Seth’s psychological unraveling as he grapples with survivor’s guilt, the loss of his brothers-in-arms, and the moral ambiguity of the war. His interactions with Rebecca, his estranged family, and other veterans highlight the challenges faced by many soldiers who return from war, carrying invisible wounds.

Visuals and Style:

“Escape and Evasion” is visually striking, with the lush, oppressive jungles of Myanmar contrasting sharply with the stark, urban landscapes of Australia. The film uses a mix of intense, close-up shots to capture Seth’s inner turmoil and wide, sweeping shots to convey the isolation and alienation he feels. The flashbacks to the mission are tense and chaotic, reflecting the confusion and horror of combat.


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