“The Strain” (2014) is a horror drama television series created by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan

Created by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan, The Strain is a horror drama television series that explores a terrifying outbreak of vampirism. The series begins with a mysterious plane landing at New York’s JFK Airport, its passengers dead and its cargo ominously sealed. The unsettling event triggers a series of grisly attacks and a rapid, catastrophic spread of a vampiric infection.


Dr. Ephraim Goodweather, a scientist with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is called in to investigate the situation. He soon discovers that the infection is not a typical virus but the result of an ancient and powerful strain of vampirism. The infected transform into monstrous creatures with a thirst for blood and a dangerous hive mentality.


As the outbreak worsens, Ephraim, along with a group of allies—including an ancient vampire hunter named Abraham Setrakian—must battle both the infected and the sinister forces behind the plague. They uncover a dark conspiracy led by an ancient vampire known as “The Master,” who seeks to take over humanity and establish a new world order under his control.


The Strain combines elements of horror and drama, drawing on del Toro’s signature style to create a gripping and atmospheric series. It explores themes of survival, corruption, and the fight against a rising tide of darkness. The show is known for its chilling visuals, complex characters, and the high stakes of its apocalyptic narrative.


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