Fast & Furious 3
Fast & Furious 3: Tokyo Drift (2006) took a departure from the original Fast & Furious series formula by introducing new characters, a different location, and a fresh street racing style. Directed by Justin Lin, this third installment follows Sean Boswell, a high school student and racing enthusiast who is sent to live with his father in Tokyo to avoid jail time in the U.S. After arriving in Japan, he finds himself immersed in the underground world of “drifting,” a form of racing that requires high-speed cornering with precise control.
The film’s Tokyo setting and unique drift-racing scenes brought a vibrant, visually stimulating backdrop to the franchise, with Tokyo’s neon-lit cityscape providing a sharp contrast to the California and Miami scenes in the previous films. This shift was a bold move that showcased the international appeal of car culture and added a fresh perspective to the franchise. The Japanese drifting style also added complexity to the racing sequences, bringing a new skill-based element to the high-octane races that hadn’t been seen before.
The character of Han Lue, portrayed by Sung Kang, quickly became a fan favorite, adding a charismatic yet mysterious edge to the story. Han’s cool demeanor and mentorship to Sean gave the film an emotional core, which later tied back into the broader Fast & Furious storyline as the series expanded.